Jenny Graziano, Gloucester County’s first full-time tourism coordinator, is stepping down from that position on April 29. Applications are being accepted for her replacement, said Carol Steele, director of parks, recreation and tourism.
Graziano began in her post in early September 2001, "eight days before 9/11." She said it was difficult to lure tourists to Gloucester for a while, with the terrorism threats keeping many people close to home. Also, she said that it’s been hard to draw tourists as gasoline prices reached very high levels several times in her stay here.
At first, Graziano worked 24 hours a week, but a year or so later she became a full-time employee. "I have met a lot of people here and throughout the industry," she said.
When she first arrived, Graziano said Gloucester didn’t have a visitor center, just a rack of brochures. She helped the county establish the facility which has become certified as a Visitor Information Cente...
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