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Grant would rehab homes

Gloucester supervisors voted Tuesday night to support submission of a grant application that seeks to rehabilitate five uninhabitable homes in the county, making them into affordable housing.

During the meeting, which was held in the colonial courthouse, board members voted 5-1 in favor of the resolution, with supervisor Ashley Chriscoe casting the lone nay vote and Ken Gibson not present.

The Virginia Housing Community Impact Grant Innovation Program Grant would provide $200,000 to cover the cost to rehab the homes, and to hire a qualified contractor, subcontractor, and project manager. County Administrator Carol Steele gave a presentation on the grant, explaining that it would benefit the county by providing five more affordable housing units in the county. Those chosen to reside in the homes need to have been employed for a year, be employed in Gloucester County, and also work in a certain field such as education, the medical field, or first responders. 

Steele also said t...

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