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Governor’s School students compete in National Ocean Sciences Bowl

Students from the Chesapeake Bay Governor’s School competed at the 15th Annual National Ocean Sciences Bowl in Baltimore, Md. this past weekend.

Out of 25 teams, the Chesapeake Bay Governor’s School team placed third overall in the Science Expert Briefing component of the competition. They had to write a technical science briefing to Congress on a proposed bill, the Marine and Hydrokinetic Renewable Energy Promotion Act of 2011 (HR 2994), then deliver their briefing to a panel of experts and answer questions regarding their proposed amendments to the bill.

The team was eliminated in a tough bracket of finalists and winning teams in the round-robin competition.

Winning teams from regional competitions in Alaska and Hawaii, Florida, Texas, Wisconsin and all over the country participated in NOSB. This year’s winning team, Marshfield High School from Wisconsin, has won two years in a row, and will host next year’s competition at the University of Wisconsin.

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