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Gloucester’s Reverse Vendor Fair to be held Dec. 12

Gloucester’s Economic Development and Purchasing departments have teamed up to host the county’s first Reverse Vendor Fair, which will be held from 10 a.m. to noon on Tuesday, Dec. 12 at Gloucester Library, Main Street Center.

The idea for the event is to bring potential vendors to Gloucester County and Gloucester County Public Schools to learn what their businesses have to offer and continue fulfilling the county’s mission of supporting local businesses.

“We want as many businesses as possible to participate,” said Sherry Spring, Gloucester’s Economic Development Director. “If you are interested in doing business with the county or the school system, we want you.”

Businesses that attend can enter their business card for a chance to win one of two $100 prizes, sponsored by the Gloucester Economic Development Authority. Refreshments will also be provided during the event.

Representatives from various county and school departments will be seated at booths throughout the room...

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