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Gloucester’s purchasing department receives awards

Gloucester’s central purchasing department has again received special recognition for its professional achievements over the past year.
The Universal Public Procurement Certification Council (UPPCC) awarded the 2014 Excellence in Achievement Award in the small agency category to the department. Also, the Virginia Association of Governmental Purchasing named the department’s director Bill Lindsey its Professional Manager of the Year.
Lindsey and his staff were presented with the award during the June 3 meeting of the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors in the colonial courthouse. The county’s central purchasing department is responsible for all purchases made for the public schools system, social services department and the county as a whole.
The mission of the UPPCC is to identify and continuously advance the professional standards that demonstrate competency in the public procurement profession.
The VAGP is a statewide, nonprofit, nonpartisan association of approx...

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