Gloucester Public Schools officials are not likely to see the full $1,272,008 more they are seeking from the county for fiscal year 2016, according to Gloucester Board of Supervisors vice chairman John Meyer.
Without discussing exact numbers, school officials and supervisors reviewed state and federal accountability programs and the school division’s FY2016 budget request in a meeting last Thursday at the T.C. Walker Education Center that stretched over four hours.
The school division is requesting $24 million in county funds for its proposed $54.8 million FY2016 operating budget, an increase of 5.6 percent over the current local contribution to operating costs. In her proposed budget, county administrator Brenda Garton is recommending that county schools be level funded at $22.7 million.
School division superintendent Walter Clemons said most of the increase being sought is to cover costs associated with opening the new Page Middle School and to pay for a roughly 2 percent raise...
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