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Gloucester school personnel appointed

The Gloucester County School Board appointed Beverly Sabourin of North, as the nurse assistant at Gloucester High School during its Oct. 9 meeting.

The board also appointed Jeanette Warrington of Ordinary, as the Workforce Investment Act academic coach and Angela Nocosia of Gloucester, Holly Stainback of Saluda, and India Campbell-Livesay of Locust Hill, as teacher assistants. The board additionally appointed Sean Kilby of Hayes, to a support position.

Resignations were accepted from GHS nurse assistant Diana Coates, GHS permanent substitute Michelle Green and GHS mathematics teacher Tara Hale. Also, a resignation was accepted from GHS varsity girls’ basketball coach Tim Extine. In addition, retirement was approved for support employee Sherrie Hill.



Appointed to supplement-paid coaching positions at GHS were John Perrin, winter track; James Stewart and Carlos Morales, assistant winter track; Roderick Pierce, wrestling; Bruce Scott, assistant wrestling; T...

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