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Gloucester Point resident named to RCC board

Dr. James C. Phillips of Gloucester Point, was appointed by the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors to serve a four-year term as Gloucester County’s representative to the Rappahannock Community College Board.

Phillips expanded educational opportunities for non-traditional students through his work with the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, a release said. He also helped in the establishment of the community college system while working for the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia.

When Phillips became faculty/administrator at Old Dominion University, he helped establish TeleTechNet, a program where students from anywhere in Virginia could earn a four-year degree from ODU without being physically on the campus.


"I got my love and dedication to education from my mother who taught in Gloucester Public Schools for many years," he said.

As Gloucester’s representative to the RCC board, Phillips said he is very interested in ...

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