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Gloucester planners meet tonight

The Gloucester County Planning Commission will hold one public hearing for a rezoning matter during its meeting at 7:30 tonight in the colonial courthouse.
David and Betty DeAlba, property owners, have filed an application to rezone approximately 16.8 acres on Adams Creek View Lane. The property is located north of Island Road in the Petsworth Magisterial District.
The applicants have requested zoning of that property to Rural Countryside (RC-1) to place a manufactured home. In addition, the DeAlbas said they want to continue the existing, non-conforming agricultural use as a conforming use there.
At present, part of the property is zoned Single-Family residential (SF-1), a notice said, and part of the land is zoned agricultural.
“Surrounding property is of similar characteristics and use,” planning and zoning director Anne Ducey-Ortiz said. The DeAlba property is bounded to the north and east by residential and forested property, to the south by agricultural and forested p...

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