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Gloucester Museum of History offers two summer camps

The Gloucester Museum of History will hold two summer camps in July for rising fourth and fifth grade students. The first camp will be on July 11-14, with the second camp being held the following week from July 18-21. The camp will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day.
The first camp will be focus on the Civil War, said Museum Coordinator Robert Kelly. He said the camp will tackle the subject chronologically which will allow campers to learn about a variety of topics including the causes of the war, slavery, and the roles families played during the war.
Kelly said over the course of the week, campers will travel to historic locations such as Fort Monroe, Endview Plantation, the American Civil War Museum in Richmond and the Mariners’ Museum in Newport News.
The second camp is titled “Explore Virginia in Your Own Backyard.” Kelly said campers will visit several local destinations including Woodville Rosenwald School, Ware Episcopal Church, Center for Archaeology, Preservation and Education ...

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