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Gloucester, Mathews have successful start to school year

Gloucester and Mathews school systems both began the school year on Monday with a happy and successful start.According to Dr. Walter Clemons, superintendent of Gloucester public schools, both students and staff members seem to be happy to be back and he cites “a very positive and successful start.”
Student population is increasing at Gloucester, which Clemons said is normal for the first 10 days. Gloucester counted about 4,454 students on Monday and 4,644 students on Tuesday. Wednesday the school system counted 4,708 students.
The only challenge that Gloucester is facing now is transportation. The school system is working through bus routes, stops and pick-up times. Clemons said these issues usually smooth out after the first week of school and the department of transportation is working really hard to resolve any issues.
In Mathews
Nancy Welch, superintendent of Mathews County schools, said that the year is off to an “absolutely fantastic” start.
She said that the students are a littl...

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