The Gloucester County Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing on a request for special exception to operate a wayside stand at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 28, in the colonial courthouse.
Barry W. Leigh and his wife, Connie, have applied for the special exception so they can sell vegetables grown on their farm directly to the public. The subject property is located at 6346 Hall Town Road at White Marsh, and is located in the Abingdon Magisterial District and zoned Suburban Countryside (SC-1).
Connie Leigh said they own almost 21 acres, using about eight acres to grow produce such as okra, collards, broccoli, blackberries and figs. They lease the rest of their land to others to farm for grain crops.
In their application, the Leighs said that “there will be no disturbance for the land owners adjoining my property. With the exception of one, all adjoining parcels are undeveloped.”
The Leighs said their wayside stand “will ...
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