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Girl Scouts spend week at Camp Burke’s Mill Pond

During the week of June 23, nearly 75 area Girl Scouts attended volunteer-led day camp at Burke’s Mill Pond, which belongs to the Girl Scouts of the Colonial Coast. A release said the girls worked to earn Investigation badges using invisible ink, detection, following clues and using five senses. Other activities included canoeing, swimming and archery.
Each day started with a flag ceremony. Older volunteer Scouts were Program Aides, a leadership program for Girl Scouts in middle school to share their interests and experiences with younger girls.
Many of the Program Aides attended day camp at Burke’s Mill Pond when they were younger and were eager to serve in leadership roles this summer, a Girl Scouts release stated.
The camp was led by volunteer director Kelly Hall, who was the assistant director last year. Hall, who has two daughters in Girl Scouts, said she has fond memories of camping at Burke’s Mill Pond while growing up.
“I had so many great experiences he...

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