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GHS to graduate 300+

Gloucester High School is scheduled to graduate more than 300 of its seniors in the school’s 71st annual commencement exercises. The 2024 commencement ceremony will begin at 9 a.m. and will again take place at Dukes Stadium, the school’s athletic field.

This year’s valedictorian and salutatorian are Kearney Palas and Charles Somervell III, respectively.

The Pledge of Allegiance will be led by senior Joshua Coleman and senior chorus members will perform the National Anthem.

GHS principal Dr. Stefan Mygas will give welcoming remarks. Duke of the Year Samantha Wooldridge will also provide her own remarks.

Senior Andrew Carter and Junior Haylee Hartleben will take to the stage for the transfer of the senior class insignia to the Class of 2025.

Somervell and Palas will give their remarks as salutatorian and valedictorian, followed by remarks from Superintendent Dr. Anthony Vladu.Dr. Mygas will certify the graduates and school board chair Troy Andersen will confer the diploma...

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