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Gas prices fall amid pandemic concerns

On Monday, the price for an average gallon of gas in Virginia stood at $2.06, a 10-cent drop since last week and a 28-cent decrease from last year, according to information provided by AAA Tidewater Virginia.
In Hampton Roads, gas prices are even lower at $2.01, 10 cents less than last week and 31 cents cheaper than last year. As crude oil prices trend close to $30/barrel, Americans are seeing pump prices plummet across the country. On the week, gas price averages in 35 states decreased by double digits, pushing the national average to $2.25, the cheapest price point of the year.
“The gas price in the commonwealth has dropped significantly in just seven days,” said Holly Dalby, spokesperson for AAA Tidewater Virginia. “AAA expects gas prices to continue trending cheaper before the end of March.” During this uncertain time of COVID-19, gas prices are declining despite increasing gasoline demand and decreasing U.S. stock levels.
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