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Fulk named president of Primis Bank

Primis Financial Corp., and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Primis Bank, announced that Rick A. Fulk has been promoted to president of Primis Bank effective Oct. 2.

“Rick’s promotion to president of our most important division is an exciting moment for our company and demonstrates our commitment to have the bank be the primary driver of our market value,” said Dennis J. Zember, Jr., President and CEO of Primis Financial Corp. “Rick’s influence and leadership in our organization is rooted in his desire to see those around him succeed and his ability to drive the financial results that our board and investors demand. His leadership skills, commercial success and ambition will produce results.”

“I’m very excited for the opportunity to help our company build our bank into the high-performance financial institution that our staff and our board envision,” Fulk said. “We have better tools and technology thanks to the tireless work of the past few years. We have loyal customers in some of ...

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