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Friends of Dragon Run to hold short paddle season over three July weekends

The Friends of Dragon Run’s Board of Directors has approved a short summer paddle season during mid-July. Based on CDC and Virginia guidelines, a number of special precautions will be in place in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.At all times while on land, crew and guests must wear masks (during equipment fitting, launch and takeout). “If you are not willing or able to wear a maskW, please do not make a reservation,” a release stated.

The season will be held July 10-13, 17-20 and 24-27. If there is sufficient demand for reservations, the Friends of the Dragon Run will consider adding two Thursdays (July 16 and 23).

Group size is limited for the upcoming paddle season—six guests maximum for each paddle.

There will be a different route this year, with a round-trip course to avoid having to carpool guests and crew back to where they left their cars. Participants will drive to and launch from private property on the Dragon Run, paddle downstream for about 1.5 hours just past the...

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