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Forrest Brothers Funeral Home

Jaidyn Forrest of Gloucester, is an apprentice at Forrest Brothers Funeral Home, located at 7437 Buckley Hall Road in Cobbs Creek.
Established in 1989, Forrest Brothers Funeral Home offers a wide variety of funeral services, including cremation, monuments, and memorials.
“Based on my age, there were many limitations on how involved I could be in the entire business process,” said Forrest. “Now that I’ve gotten older, I have more opportunities to fully participate in business transactions and gain hands-on learning experience.”
As a 17-year-old high school student, Forrest’s business background is limited. However, she has had the benefit of being present as her grandfather conducted his business transactions. To build her own business skills, she has completed two business courses at Rappahannock Community College.
This past spring, Forrest received her Physical Therapy Aide certification, which allows her to further explore her love of human anatomy and health care professions.
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