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Former Bohannon school for sale

110 YEARS AGOThursday, Jan. 29, 1914from the Mathews Journal

Pursuant to an order of the Circuit Court of Mathews County, Virginia, at the September term 1913, we the undersigned members of the Westville District School Board will sell at public auction at Mathews C.H., for cash on Saturday, February 14, 1914 at 3 p.m., the property known as the Bohannon School Property, consisting of one acre of land, more or less, and a two-room school-house, situated near Bohannon at the junction of the “Mill Lane” and the county road. For better description see deed in Clerk’s Office. —E.M. Maxwell, Chairman; W.M. Minter, Secy.; R.W. Fleet, Westville Dist. School Board.

100 YEARS AGOThursday, Jan. 31, 1924from the Mathews Journal

Messrs. Keeler and Marvin Hudgins, of Laban, were painfully injured last Saturday when a gasoline tank exploded.

They were at the blacksmith shop operated by their brother, Lester Hudgins, mending the gasoline tank on their boat. Fumes remaining in the tan...

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