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Flooding informational meeting tonight

Gloucester County Emergency Management and the Virginia Department of Emergency Management will be teaming up to host a flooding impact informational meeting today.

The meeting will be held at 6 o’clock tonight, Thursday, April 20, at Achilles Elementary School.

VDEM Hurricane Program Manager Bruce Sterling will share some ways to prepare for a flood and will go over the signs that mean it’s time to evacuate. Gloucester’s Emergency Management team will also be reviewing the county’s flood zones.

Flooding doesn’t just happen during tropical storms,” said Jane Wenner, Gloucester’s Emergency Management Coordinator. “If the tide is up and the wind angles just right, water levels can become a problem during otherwise calm conditions. Preparedness is key.”

At the meeting, the county will also have stations set up for people to complete a community survey. This survey is designed to help Gloucester County staff evaluate how people think of flooding, and how likely they are to eva...

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