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Flooding impact meeting next week at Achilles

Gloucester County Emergency Management and Virginia Department of Emergency Management’s Hurricane Program Manager Bruce Sterling will host a flooding impact informational meeting at 6 p.m. next Thursday, April 20, at Achilles Elementary School.

The public meeting will cover the risks of flooding, how to prepare for floods and knowing when and how to evacuate. Gloucester Emergency Management Coordinator Jane Wenner said they want people to understand what to do during floods and to learn about the resource available to them.

The meeting will cover the different flood zones in Gloucester and inform people about the zone they are in. This includes flood zones that are not located on or near waterfront property.

Wenner said those who attend can participate in a survey to help Gloucester better serve individuals during emergencies. She said Emergency Management wants to know how people view flooding and what level of flooding would cause them to consider evacuation.

Wenner sai...

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