Despite Friday night’s sudden wind storm that destroyed more than 20 tents, the Gwynn’s Island Festival continued on Saturday, and provided a venue for many residents and visitors to temporarily forget their power woes at home and enjoy a few hours of food, fun and fellowship.
The 64th annual Gwynn’s Island Festival got off to a shaky start, as many questioned whether the tradition Island residents have grown to know and love would even take place.
Not only did the wind storm wreak havoc on the vendors’ tents that had already been put in place on Friday, but it caused the Gwynn’s Island Bridge over Milford Haven to close to vehicular traffic for several hours Saturday morning at a time many vendors were trying to cross.
Spokesperson Cricket Call said she and other festival organizers were inundated with phone calls around 6:30 a.m. Saturday questioning whether to continue on with the day as planned.
"We said ‘What the heck’ and d...
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