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Editorial: History at work

The Mathews County Historical Society had an appropriate cake and happy birthday gathering for itself this month to mark its 50th anniversary. The party took place at one of its signature accomplishments, the Tompkins Cottage.

The society started in 1964 as part of the Mathews Woman’s Club and has carried on for five decades as an extremely productive organization. Meetings featuring talks about history are just one part of its work. This group does not sit still.

Here is a short list of its accomplishments at the 50-year mark:

 —Leased the dilapidated cottage next to the court green from Mathews County, learned its history as a Tompkins property, restored the old house, and kept it open to visitors as a gateway to history;

 —Supervised continuing restoration efforts for almost 40 years at New Point Comfort Lighthouse, the prominent symbol of Mathews County which always seems to be teetering on the edge of wipeout. The latest stabilization and rock-addin...

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