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Editorial: Ban plastic bags

It is unusual to ride along any stretch of highway in our beautiful part of this world and not see a discarded plastic bag being tossed about by the breeze of passing vehicles, or brought to rest in a roadside tree.
Unsightly, these bags are, for sure. And in bulk, they are very dangerous to our environment.
Eventually they find their way into ditches and drains, and are flushed into deeper ditches, and streams, creeks, rivers and on to the ocean, preparing to wreak destruction upon marine life.
It’s simple to find testimony about these bags simply by searching the internet for “plastic bags.” Many conservation sites and media companies have seized upon stories large and small to tell how these bags end up.
From CNN, earlier this year: “A young whale whose carcass washed up in the Philippines died of ‘dehydration and starvation’ after consuming 40 kilograms (88 pounds) of plastic bags, scientists have found.”
From “Ov...

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