Rod Compton, who started work as Gloucester County’s new real estate assessor on Sept. 1, has resigned.
Pat Michura, Gloucester’s human resources director, said Compton’s last day of county employment was Tuesday. She declined to share any information about his resignation.
Michura said that the real estate assessor’s position has not been posted nor advertised yet. The position has a salary range of $64,062-$96,093.
"I am excited to be able to hire an individual of Mr. Compton’s caliber as our new real estate assessor," Gloucester County Administrator Brenda Garton said last summer in announcing Compton’s employment. Garton was not available for comment Wednesday morning, an assistant in the office said.
Compton has over 18 years of real estate and appraisal experience, Garton said earlier, and served as assessor in Prince George County since April 2006.
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