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Consignment shop opens at White Marsh

The Thrift Miss is White Marsh Shopping Center’s newest consignment shop.

Open on March 1, owner Robin Owens of Hayes said she wanted to start a business to invest her time in after retiring from real estate.

Owens said she noticed Gloucester lacked what the Thrift Miss offers, and being thrifty by nature, it was only natural that she chose to open the consignment store.

Owens said that clients bring in their own items and price their own pieces to be sold. The Thrift Miss takes a 50-50 split from the final sale. Each consignment lasts up to 60 days. At the end of the 60 days, the client is paid or picks up what wasn’t sold. Owens also offers buyouts for those who just want to get rid of their items.

Owens’s racks and shelves are filled with many name-brand items priced for fractions of what they were bought for. She said that much of the clothing being sold still have tags on them.

Not everything that is brought in to sell is accepted. Owens said that they are very par...

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