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Concerns expressed over Main Street project

The Mathews Main Street project is well underway, but some residents and county supervisors are concerned that Main Street is shaping up to be too narrow at its intersection with Church Street.
Mathews supervisors and members of the public met with the project’s engineers and designers last Wednesday at Mathews Memorial Library. Representatives of the design firm Vanasse Hangen Brustlin discussed the decision-making process that led to the design, and they answered questions about street and sidewalk width, turning radiuses, and other matters.
Bette Dillehay, chair of the Mathews Main Street Committee, shared background about the project, reminding those present that the committee was formed in 1994 as a subcommittee of the Mathews Chamber of Commerce. Community forums and workshops were held across the county to gather ideas from residents about what they wanted in a downtown district, and there were many stakeholder meetings and briefings held to keep residents informed as plan...

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