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‘Clinic Hero’

Chesapeake Bank and Chesapeake Wealth Management are participating this year as a “Clinic Hero” partner, providing a gift of $15,000 to support the Gloucester-Mathews Care Clinic’s Casino Night, Golf Classic and Oktoberfest events. These funds help provide patient care for over 900 uninsured adults in Gloucester and Mathews, according to clinic director Arlene Armentor. “The GMCC is grateful for its ‘Community Health Partners,’ individuals and businesses that support the clinic’s special events through a significant annual contribution,” she said. Shown, from left, are Armentor, GMCC board member Nancy Dykeman, Chesapeake Bank vice president of retail Dianne Hall, and Melissa Crawford, Chesapeake’s vice president of business development. For more information on how to become a Community Health Partner with the GMCC, email or call 804-824-2125. 

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