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Chesapeake Trail announces new Werowocomoco interns

The Chesapeake Trail has announced that its second class of Werowocomoco Ancestral Lands Corps interns are Kalen Anderson, Rihanna Kelver and Connor Tupponce. Werowocomoco is located on the north side of the York River in Gloucester.
The trio will be based at Jamestown, the Chesapeake Trail’s headquarters. For 26 weeks, they will work alongside National Park Service rangers and staff in four different divisions at the park—Interpretation and Education, Law Enforcements, Facility Management, and Resource Management—in order to become familiar with how the divisions work together and operate within the greater national park system.
Each division will provide opportunities to apply skills and knowledge to those same operations at Werowocomoco. Ancestral Lands interns earn educational credit as well as direct hiring authority for two years.

Rihanna Kelver

Connor Tupponce

Kalen Anderson


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