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Checking in on our legislators in Richmond

The Gazette-Journal went to Richmond on Monday to drop in on legislators who represent Gloucester and Mathews in Virginia’s General Assembly.

Representing Senate District 26 is Sen. Ryan T. McDougle (R-Mechanicsville), while Delegates M. Keith Hodges (R-Urbanna) and W. Chad Green (R-Seaford) represent House districts 68 and 69, respectively.

The House of Delegates was bustling as lawmakers arrived for their morning session. Delegates from across the state greeted each other jovially, then headed for a side room and emerged carrying plates full of food to their desks. They chatted noisily as they waited for the session to begin, and when Speaker Don Scott called the chamber to order, some paid little attention, continuing with muted conversations.

Following some formalities, the chamber got down to the business of the day—taking action on numerous bills that had been introduced since the session began on Jan. 10. The General Assembly is scheduled to finish (or adjourn sine die...

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