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Board supports scenic, historic designation for York River

The Gloucester County Board of Supervisors authorized the sending of proposed legislation supporting the historic and scenic designation of the York River during its meeting Dec. 1 in the colonial courthouse.

The board included language in its resolution to ensure that the designation would not impede recreational or commercial boating, fishing or aquaculture and that the designation would not place additional constraints or limitations on the use of the river by its citizens.

Administered by Virginia’s Department of Conservation and Recreation, the Scenic Rivers Program was enacted by the Virginia General Assembly in 1970 for the purpose of identification of and preserving of certain rivers or sections of rivers that possess significant historic attributes and high quality natural beauty.

Locally, the designation is considered for a 32-mile stretch of the York River from the York/James City County line on the south side of the river and from Allmondsville in Gloucester on the...

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