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Big Reveal tonight to examine future of Main Street

The Main Street Preservation Trust and the Gloucester Main Street Association will host the Big Reveal tonight, Thursday, Aug. 10, to share with the public the results of community efforts to work together towards a better Main Street.

Beginning at 5:30 p.m. at the new Fine Arts Museum of Gloucester at Main Street Center, Ann Glave will explain the findings of Matt Wagner from National Main Street who analyzed Gloucester’s community surveys, its asset mapping discussions, focus group meetings as well as data from ESRI and IRS Migration Data to determine what the economic trends for this area will be in the coming years.

There will be a question-and-answer period after the presentation to allow people to ask questions specific to their business or area of interest.

Yiftee card

Business owners who participated in the Downtown Dollars promotion in the past or are interested in taking part a similar program for this fall/winter are encouraged to stay after the meeting for a br...

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