Some operating policies of Bay Aging have been called into question in two separate governmental reviews of the agency last year.
Allyn Gemerek, Bay Aging president, said Feb. 21 that Bay Aging is planning to change some of its procedures in response to those reviews, one by the Virginia Department of Social Services, Office of Community Services (OCS) and the other by the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development.
OCS had questions about Gemerek’s use of an agency vehicle along with his procedure for reporting mileage for tax purposes.
Gemerek said he drives the vehicle provided for extensive travel to meetings throughout the 12-county service area that Bay Aging covers. In addition, he drives that vehicle for some personal use, but indicated he does not use the vehicle for any extensive personal travel.
According to Gemerek, he had not been recording all of his mileage, but has used a daily planner to record his meeting schedule and calculated his milea...
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