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Ancient classified ads

115 YEARS AGOThursday, June 3, 1909from the Mathews Journal

For sale: a 3½ H.P. Palmer Engine can be used for stationary or marine purposes. Cheap for cash. Apply: F. Theo. Miller, Mathews, Va.

110 YEARS AGOThursday, June 4, 1914from the Mathews Journal

Rev. George Gowen will give a lecture Thursday evening at the Cobbs Creek school for the benefit of Spring Hill Baptist Church.

100 YEARS AGOThursday, June 5, 1924from the Mathews Journal

Gov. W.J. Fields, of Kentucky, has requested Gov. Trinkle to proclaim to former Kentuckians in Virginia that the last week in June will be “Homecoming Week” in Kentucky and to ask all former residents of that state to come back for the week.

90 YEARS AGOThursday, June 7, 1934from the Gloucester Gazette

Prices on farm lands during the first three months of this year show an advance over prices of the same period for 1933, according to a nation-wide survey recently made by the Farm Credit Administration.

80 YEARS AGOThursday,...

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