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A budding artist

Macy Johnson graduated from Mathews High School this year with the goal to go to college to be a photojournalist. She said she loved her journalism classes with MHS teacher Frances Hubbard and that photography is her passion. But Macy also loved her art classes with MHS teacher Rachel Morris, so when the chance came for her to pick up a few extra bucks by painting a mural on a barn at The Shores of Cedar Point, a Mathews farm and event venue owned by Kelly O’Toole, she jumped at it. Johnson, who is shown here with her creation, said she started out by creating a digital image of goats, then projected that image onto the building “and free-handed everything else.” O’Toole said she wants artwork on all her buildings, and she likes the fact that Johnson’s work is “new and different and has a fresh look.”

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