Gloucester Public Schools superintendent Ben Kiser recommended a $58.4 million fiscal year 2012 budget to the Gloucester County School Board during its meeting Tuesday.
The budget overall is up 1.8 percent over the current division budget of $57.3 million, due primarily to a $1 million request for county funds for capital improvement projects. The division did not receive any CIP funds for the current fiscal year.
Kiser’s budget includes a $52.3 million operating fund, up just 0.3 percent over the current operating budget, and would require $525,408 more than the current local contribution of $20.7 million. Kiser expects a slight increase of $192,663 or 0.7 percent in state funding for a contribution of $21.2 million toward operations and a 0.9 percent decrease in federal funding to put it at $3 million. Division finance director Joanne Wright said some adjustments to the plan are expected after the General Assembly finalizes its 2012 fiscal plan.
Kiser said the budget ma...
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