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35 years in antique business for David Peebles and family

David Peebles and his family have been selling antiques for 35 years in Gloucester County.

They began trading as Lisburne Lane Antiques in 1982, selling antiques from a building adjacent to their Ordinary farm, Lisburne, which was built like the Blue Bell Tavern in Williamsburg.

Six years later, they bought an existing antique business in Yorktown, Swan Tavern Antiques, from Frank Dickinson. That business, which was first located in Hampton, had begun more than 20 years earlier.

For a time, Peebles said they had three retail operations: the Lisburne property, a gallery which they began operating in the 1990s on Route 17 at Ordinary (the present location), and the Yorktown shop. The Ordinary location was not an antique shop for about a decade, he said, and the Yorktown store closed about 2½ years ago when Peebles lost the lease from the National Park Service.

So the family consolidated the entire operation to the Route 17 gallery in 2015 and took the well-known Swan Tavern An...

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