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3 public hearings on Tuesday’s agenda

The Mathews County Planning Commission will hold three public hearings during a joint meeting with the Mathews County Board of Supervisors at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the historic courthouse on Court Street.

Mike Dershowitz of Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, is requesting a text amendment to the zoning ordinance that would allow motels as a conditional use in the Rural Waterfront (R-1) and Rural (R-2) zoning districts.

If approved, the amendment would require that anyone seeking to establish a motel in either district apply for a conditional use permit. The application would then be considered by the planning commission, which would provide a recommendation to the board of supervisors on whether the application should be approved. The board would then make the final decision.

Dershowitz was denied a conditional use permit last year for an event center at his property, Winding Waters Estate, on Ebenezer Church Road in Cobbs Creek.

In addition, Kevin Bisson is requesting a conditional use...

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