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Bay School to hold Afternoon Tea on May 5

The Bay School Community Art Center will host its Second Annual Afternoon Tea from 2-4 p.m. on Sunday, May 5, in the Art Speaks Gallery on Main Street, Mathews.

This year’s tea will focus on a Whimsical Woodland Faerie theme that will include afternoon tea delicacies inspired by British tea traditions and faerie lore, said a press release.

Participants are encouraged to dress in their prettiest frocks or inspired faerie outfits of choice and to bring their own favorite fancy teacups to use for enjoying all the hot and cold tea choices that will “delight the most discerning of palates,” said the release.

There will be activities, a prize raffle for the Best Outfit, and lots of tea and faerie lore to share, said the release. In addition, there will be faerie-inspired handmade jewelry, a watercolor painting, handmade faerie garden teacups, and vintage China tea sets to raffle off.

Finally, faerie hair and crystal face adornment will be offered from noon to 1:30 p.m. The cost ...

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