A marine training initiative co-sponsored by the Southeastern Maritime and Transportation Center, Newport News Shipbuilding (NNS, a division of Huntington-Ingalls Corporation), and the Virginia Community College System has recently produced 12 graduates from Rappahannock Community College’s Gwynn’s Island marine training facility.
Among the graduates were Gloucester residents Jermaine Lewis and Jonathan Millard.
"Working with a simulation unit that exactly reproduces an eight-hour day at NNS, right down to the lunch break, these students went through three weeks of training that has readied them to move directly into marine electrician positions at NNS," said RCC spokesman Tom Martin.
"These 12 exceptional students are products of the local community, and were selected from over 150 applicants," said instructor Tom Danaher. "Following completion of the course, they will be offered positions as X31 electricians at Newport News Shipbuilding, starting at a wag...
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