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$1.36M in scholarships awarded to GHS grads

Gloucester High School held its annual Senior Scholarship Night on Monday at the school. Members of the Class of 2014 were presented with $1,362,811 worth of college scholarships. The awards were made as follows:
Abingdon Elementary School PTA—$250, Ashley Reynolds;
Abingdon Episcopal Church Men’s Club—$1,000, Rachel Abbott; $500 per year renewable for four years, Hayley Norville;
Abingdon Ruritan Club—$1,000 renewable for two years, Victor Blanco; $1,000 renewable for four years, Tayler Romanelli;
Abingdon Woman’s Club—$500, Kathryn “Darby” McCreary;
Union Zion Baptist Church Alice B. Thornton Memorial Scholarship—$500, Brittany Banks;
Eugene Brown Memorial Scholarship—$500, Brittany Banks;
Mathews, Gloucester, Middlesex Tri-County Choir Corarine Marsh Smith Scholarship—$500, Brittany Banks; $1,000, Patricia Shorter;
Arena Stone Memorial Scholarship—$3,000, Sierra Hogge;
Art League of Gloucester—$700 each, J...

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