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Young filmmakers choose New Point Light for music video

A delightful band of young filmmakers and musicians came from Charlottesville to Mathews last month to film part of a music video at New Point Comfort Lighthouse.

The husband-and-wife team who co-directed the shoot, Forrest Pando and Zaynah Akeel-Pando, and their art director, Ben Snider, said that residents and officials in Mathews County had helped make the local film shoot the easiest part of their project.

The Pandos’ business, Pando Creative Company, was hired by songwriter Wes Swing to create a video for his single “Mirrors” about a lone female lighthouse keeper living on an island.

Surrounded by the ghosts of her ancestors, who were also lighthouse keepers, she is tempted to leave by someone using Morse code, but she decides to remain. The song was inspired by an actual lighthouse keeper in 19th century Rhode Island, Ida Lewis. It will be included on Swing’s upcoming album “And the Heart.”

Forrest said that when a musician contacts the com...

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