The 2020 Yorktown Market Days season will kick off on April 25 with a new temporary time and at a new location—operating from 8 to 11 a.m. at the McReynolds Athletic Complex located at 412 Sports Way in Yorktown. It will be for pick-up of preorders only.
The market will support a cashless model with payments made in advance directly to vendors through their websites, social media channels, and services/apps such as Venmo and PayPal. Under no circumstances will customers be permitted to get out of their cars. All orders will be prepackaged and ready for delivery through the driver-side window or can be loaded into the back seat/trunk upon request.
Customers can expect to see market vendors and staff taking proper safety precautions including the following.
—Social distancing: Vendor booths will be set up close to 20 feet apart;
—Vendors are encouraged to wear gloves and masks;
—Surfaces such as EBT redemption devices, Square and other credit card swipers, and cell phones will be sanitiz...
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