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York River KDS donates to GHS Care Closet

The York River Circle of The King’s Daughters and Sons recently delivered two carloads of supplies for Gloucester High School’s Care Closet, items collected from circle members at the group’s April 2 meeting.

Various items included clothing (including hoodies, T-shirts, shoes, backpacks); foods (snack items and easy-to-prepare non-perishable family foods, preferably microwaveable); and assorted toiletries (particularly hygienic items, toothpaste/toothbrushes, deodorant, shampoo).

KDS members Shirley Hudgins and Emily Bohannon were greeted by Sally Hartley, who heads the program at GHS, showing the two ladies around the rooms where all items were kept, while the students worked and learned life skills as they washed and dried donated clothing that had come in, then sorted and labeled all the items.

One entire wall was outfitted with long, large drawers which held clothes and needed sundries. Two boys aided in transporting the donated goods into the school and into the Care Clo...

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