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Working in the heat

Temperatures soared to the mid- to upper-90s on Friday, but that didn’t put a stop to work. Above, a crew with Southern Paving completes a small job for VDOT, repaving part of the Mathews Volunteer Fire Department Station 1 parking lot that was dug up for a recent pipe replacement project. Company vice president and operational manager Bud Smith said his crew was “pretty used to” the heat and had plenty of water bottles and coolers and were allowed to take breaks to catch their breath when needed. In photo below, James Hudgins, left, of North said his upstairs air conditioner stopped working Thursday evening, and Cook’s Heating & Cooling was there on Friday to repair it. Brothers Isaac, standing, and James Cook check the coolant level on the unit. They said summers are always busy, but they’ve gotten used to working in the heat.


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