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Winter recital

Students from the Rodgers Voice & Piano Studio performed a winter recital at Gloucester’s Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church in December. Above, students who participated in the recital included, front row from left, Max Gordon, Bryce Dautzenberg; second row, Paul Gordon, Jace Scalf, Andrew King; third row, Deborah Wilson, Katy Kirwan, Jackson Scalf, Owen Dautzenberg; back row, Frances Gordon, Ben Kirwan, John Gordon, Kai Wong and Catherine King. During the recital, four students were recognized for their participation in the Peninsula Music Teachers Association Piano Olympics held on Nov. 9 at Christopher Newport University. They were, below from left, Jackson Scalf who entered five events and received five gold ribbons and one gold medal; Jace Scalf who entered five events and received five gold ribbons and one gold medal; Andrew King, who entered eight events and received eight gold ribbons and one gold medal; and Catherine King, seven events with seven gold ribbons and two gold...

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