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While Spring Safety Fair is canceled, Triad is still there to help

Mathews County Triad has canceled its Spring Safety Fair for the second year in a row, but the organization wants residents to know it’s still around, working behind the scenes to make Mathews a safer place for seniors.
“We are still here, still helping members of the community,” said Mathews Triad President Alice Stewart.
She and Mathews Sheriff’s Office liaison Lt. Sid Foster said they hope to have a Fall Safety Fair this year, but even if that doesn’t happen, they’ll be coming up with activities to help seniors.
Senior Safety Bags
On Tuesday, May 11, the Triad committee will meet to put together Senior Safety Bags similar to those that are handed out each year at the Spring Fair, which is normally held in May at the Piankatank Ruritan Club at Hudgins.
The bags will contain small favors such as thermometers, pill dispensers, hand sanitizer and writing materials, said Foster, but perhaps most importantly, it will contain flyers from various community organizations that provide resourc...

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