The Gloucester County Wetlands Board approved one shoreline improvement application during a meeting Nov. 10 in the colonial courthouse.
Mary Elizabeth Murphy received authorization to install two rock sills (12’x25’ and 12’x45’), said Linda Walthall, permit technician for the Environmental Division of the Gloucester County Codes Compliance Office.
In addition, the board voted 7-0, alternate Troy Andersen sitting in for absent member Rachel Strawn, to allow 300 cubic yards of beach nourishment and a total of 600 square feet of spartina plantings adjacent to the property, which is located along Sedger Creek/Perrin River at 2086 Riverwalk Road.
Following its meeting, the board sat as the Gloucester County Chesapeake Bay Preservation and Erosion Commission. The commission held two public hearings on buffer modification requests.
Jerry T. Smith was granted buffer modification for the replacement and relocation (farther away from Resource Protection Area fe...
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