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Watch out for slow-moving farm equipment on roadways this spring

As Virginia farmers plant their crops this spring, motorists should keep an eye out for slow-moving farm equipment on public roads, the Virginia Farm Bureau says

Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting industry workers experienced one of the highest fatality rates at 20 deaths per 100,000 full-time workers in 2021. Transportation incidents, which include tractor overturns and roadway crashes, were the leading cause of death for these farmers and farmworkers, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Many of these deaths occur during spring planting season.

“Drivers can expect to see an increase in the amount of farm equipment out on the roads right now, and most of that equipment moves very slowly,” warned Matt Nuckols, Virginia Farm Bureau safety coordinator.

A car traveling 55 mph takes five seconds to brake 300 feet—the length of a football field—to avoid colliding with farm equipment traveling 15 mph.

To prevent catastrophe, drivers should look...

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