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Ware Church virtual concert series to begin Friday

Ware Episcopal Church, Gloucester, has announced that it will continue its concert series this fall with a series of virtual concerts called “Wonder at Ware,” which will begin this Friday at 7 p.m.

Friday’s concert will be performed by Michael McNeill of Saluda, who is a founding member of the Wooden Cities New Music Collective and the Buffalo Bach Project. McNeill is an adjunct professor of music at Christopher Newport University, the organist and choir director at Grace Episcopal Church in Kilmarnock’ and the chapel organist at Christchurch School in Saluda.

The Wonder at Ware concerts are an offshoot of the “Ware is the Music” concert series that the church began in 2018. Earlier this year, the vestry at Ware Church made the decision to cancel in-person concerts due to the coronavirus pandemic.

“It was a lot of fun to work with Michael on this project,” said the Rev. Scott Parnell, rector of Ware Church.

“With a little creativity and imagination we can transform another...

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